Yes! Osteopaths can help your Sciatic symptoms

Your Osteopath is able to aid in relieving some of the pain felt from sciatica. This can be achieved in several ways! Most common by decreasing muscle spasms, improving joint mobility or increasing spinal function, thereby relieving irritation on the affected area.

To achieve this your Osteopath may use a combination of manipulation, articulation, soft tissue techniques, dry needling or cupping therapy.

Once the pain is reduced, the Osteopath will add rehabilitation exercises to prevent further irritation or relapse of your sciatic pain.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica refers to pain, irritation, inflammation and/ or neurological sensations associated with the sciatic nerve. This is felt by most people as a pain radiating down the back of the leg. It can be caused by irritation to the nerve at the low back from a lumbar disc injury or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compressing part of the sciatic nerve. It can also be caused by compression of the nerve lower in the leg around the glutes or hamstrings.

What Can I do while I wait?

There are a few things you can do to avoid worsening your symptoms prior to seeing your Osteopath.

  1. Avoid long periods of prolong sitting or driving as this can add further irritation and compression to the nerve.
  2. Stay mobile! Light walks on flat terrain can help ease your symptoms.
  3. Avoid flexed positions, gardening and heavy lifting.
  4. Try seeing your GP in the mean time if anti - inflammatories can help reduce your symptoms.

If you want further information on Sciatica and what Osteopaths can do to help you, contact us via our email, phone number or social media channels and we will help you the best we can with your question!

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