There are several different types of stretches to call upon for different reasons. And this is confusing when you look around at your environment and see everyone around you doing something different. In the following minutes we will help you gain a better idea of what stretch to select when participating in your fitness.

Active Stretching

This stretch is best for warming up in preparation for an event, sport or task as it does not lead to large elongation of a muscle which is poor for activity and performance.

Active stretching is a technique that requires holding a position contracting one muscle to stretch another.

Example: Contract your shin by bringing your toes towards you. This will contract the shin provoking a stretch in the calf on the opposite side. This is an antagonist and agonist activity. Causing contraction of one muscle to stretch the other opposing it.

Passive Stretching

This stretch is best for Cooling down and recover after an event, sport or task. It serves very little physiological benefit prior to activity.

Passive Stretching is the most common form of stretching person are familiar with. Holding a elongated position of 30 - 45 seconds for 3 -4 sets to elongate the muscle fibres improving joint and body mobility.

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic Stretching is great for pre active functionality, just prior to a golf swing or run.

Dynamic stretching is a fluid, lively styled stretch that starts within a small range of motion and continues to build bigger and bigger till the individual has reached their full or desired range of motion. An example of this is leg swings prior running or a football match. Or a tennis player swinging their shoulders around prior to a match through windmill movements.

PNF Stretching

PNF Stretching is best for recovery and safe stretch exercising.

How do I do an PNF stretch?

Move your desired limb and put the muscle into a stretched position, then contract that muscle for 3-5 seconds while a helper or fixed object like a wall, provides resistance. STOP contracting and continue further into the stretch for 20-30 seconds before shaking loose contacting again against the wall of fixed object. repeat this cycle increasing your flexibility each time.

Now you know move about stretching you can confidently pick the method that suits your environment.

If you have any further questions or would like to speak to our team. Message us on our socials or call us!

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