What is Frozen Shoulder?!?

Frozen shoulder or 'adhesive capsulitis' is a condition where the ligament capsular around the shoulder thickens, increasing pain and decreasing the range of movement possible within the individuals shoulder. This can affect the individuals range of motion in all planes of movement E.g. forward, sideways and backwards.

The shoulder can take up to 2 years to become mobile from the initial starting date as it works through the three phases 'freezing' = first 3 months, 'frozen' = 3 to 9months and 'thawing' 12 to 24 months), hence the name "frozen shoulder".

Pain over this time will subside and improve as it gradually moves towards the thawing stage of the condition.

Who can get Frozen Shoulder?

Common causes that may lead to an onset of this condition include...

- Prolong immobility of the shoulder after an injury (plate or plaster).

- Previous shoulder trauma or injury

- Aged >40 years old.

- Overweight or history of diabetes

Why should I see an Osteopath for Frozen shoulder?

An Osteopath will focus broadly on your pain to correct compensatory patterns caused by your condition to return the shoulder, back and neck to a comfortable position. This will assist with decreasing discomfort at the shoulder and neighbouring joints. Additionally, this can also improve joint mobility and pain. Your Osteopath may use a combination of massage, dry needling, cupping, traction and manipulation to achieve these effects.

Education around mobility and stretch exercises will also be covered. This will help avoid further stiffening to the shoulder joint, preventing further irritation. These will be spaced over several months, starting with gentle movements, slowly progressing to more vigorous exercise over the coming months to preventing additional loss of your shoulder movement.

Exercise rehabilitation does depend on the severity of your condition and will be tailored to your needs.

What can you do to help?

Avoid painful movements, use heat or ice to decrease pain and follow your shoulder exercises at home prescribed by your osteopath! :)

If you have any additional questions, please reach out via our social media, phone number or email address and we will endeavour to answer your questions!

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