Headaches can be a debilitating condition that may effect some individuals on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Head, jaw, face and neck pain can be described as Constant, Thumping, Stabbing, Squeezing, Frequent, Unrelenting, All-Over, or a Sick- in-the-stomach type pain. Nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity and visual disturbances may also accompany headaches.


The cause for headaches are numerous and multifaceted. Headaches are classified into one of 3 categories.

Primary headaches are the simplest headaches to treat and include the common tension, migraine, and cluster headaches.

Secondary Headaches are generally caused by an underlying illness or as a symptom of another condition or injury.

Other headaches include cranial neuralgia, face pain and other complex nerve related headaches. Suspected headaches in this category are a cause for prompt referral to a specialist.


Please not that severe or unrelenting headaches that are unusual to you require immediate consideration and referral to your GP or emergency service.

Tension headaches - the most common presentation of headache effecting mainly women. Progresses as the day progresses and is generally due to tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and skull. Regular treatment and postural retraining is a must for these types of headaches

Migraine headaches - Children and adults can both be effected by these. Pain is often accompanied by nausea and or vomiting, light sensitivity, visual auras, and an inability to do anything other than lie in a quiet room. Pain can be sharp and intense, unilateral over the eyes, or bilateral.

Please be aware of the “SCM referred” headache which can mimic signs and symptoms of a migraine without the feeling of extreme illness. The SCM is a muscle at the front of the neck which can be easily treated to offer relief. It can cause watery eyes, dizziness, a headache over the eye and mild nausea.

Cervicogenic - this means originating from the structures of the neck. Whether this be the muscles, nerves or ligaments remains to be noted. These can be linked with tension headaches and are extremely common. Osteopathic treatment and at home stretches or postural retraining provide long term relief from these types of headaches.

Cluster headaches - these are more common but not exclusive to men in their 20s. Headaches generally begin upon waking with onset of REM sleep and can be regular or daily from 2 weeks up to a few months. Episodes like this can be as frequent as twice a year.

Dehydration - this is the most common form of mild headaches and can be eased by drinking a few glasses of water. Dizziness can accompany these headaches due to low blood volume/low blood pressure.

Viral induced - illness such as the common cold and low grade infections can manifest as frequent headaches that may present daily for up to a week. It is worth considering these if you have been unwell.

Visual insufficiencies - straining with the eyes due to vision weakness, ineffective old prescription glasses, or an eye condition that has not been detected can cause headaches. Computer headaches are common here. For those spending hours on computers, screen filters can be of help as can adjusting the screen height and depth.

Medication use - side effects of medication use are numerous. Headaches are just one of them. Regular medication reviews important in curtailing these headaches.

Toxicity - overuse of medications and alcohol are common causes for headaches. Quite often dehydration is a big factor here. You can get a rebound headache from the frequent overuse of panadol and other over the counter medications. These headaches can also include those caused by a sudden change in diet - particularly with the elimination of caffeine and sugar. These headaches are short lived and easily managed with obvious changes to the above.

Blood pressure imbalances/ malignant hypertension - Elevated blood pressure can manifest as pressure pain in the head. Medication rarely helps these type of headaches. If there is a sudden peak of pressure in the head these headaches may present with blurry vision, nausea and chest pain and require an emergency consult in hospital.

Dental/ Jaw pain - tooth pain can be intense and unrelenting and will manifest as pain in the jaw, neck and the temporal region of the head. Osteopaths have great success at treating the jaw to alleviate headaches.

Sinus pain or infection - cheek and forehead headaches can be due to sinus pressure. Pain can change depending on the position of the head. Consider allergens in this possible cause.

Post concussion headaches - these may be accompanied with/ without compromised mental function. These require careful observation by a medical professional.


You can discuss with your Osteopath issues with your diet, food intake, fluid consumption, medication use, ergonomics, and generalised feelings of wellness as possible factors for contributing to your headaches. Lifestyle recommendations can then be put in place and referrals to additional health professionals can be followed up.

Your Osteopath can then directly address your musculoskeletal causes for headaches by releasing tension in the offending muscle groups, realigning and releasing joints and encouraging sound posture. Posture is one of the biggest maintaining factors in frequent primary headaches that is often overlooked. If you feel that posture is a considerable factor in your headache frequency please discuss with your osteopath the various options for postural retraining.


There are many lifestyle changes you can adjust and consider to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines. These may include any or many of the below factors. Please discuss with your Osteopath for further extension upon these.

  • Stress management
  • Pillow/mattress changes
  • Work & Home Ergonomics
  • Driving Ergonomics
  • Vision checks
  • Magnesium supplements for muscle relaxation.
  • Dental checks
  • Neck and shoulder/back stretches
  • Fluid consumption
  • Food frequency & type

Postural retraining can be encouraged with clinical pilates, exercise physiology, gym work, yoga, or basic at home stretches. We have a fabulous referral base to get you in contacted with the right modality for you.

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